About me

I’m a physician who started writing as a hobby over a decade ago, but it developed quickly into a passion. “Under The Broom Tree” is my first book release. It began taking shape in my mind when I was listening to a message on the life of Elijah. I was heart-struck by how he experienced his weakest moment right after performing a mountaintop miracle. God made sure both events were documented in His Word. Not just when Elijah triumphed but also when he faltered. It was as if God grabbed my hand and whispered to my spirit, “Pay attention to this. You know what it feels like to be Elijah under the broom tree.” I knew exactly what it was like to be there on my knees before Almighty God with no one but Him to sustain me. Regardless of how accomplished or put-together I may have appeared on the outside to people, I was humbly familiar with the falling-apart moments of life. I always learned a valuable lesson on those occasions. It was where I heard God’s voice the clearest, and I felt compelled to write down and save in my prayer journals what He told me, though at the time I didn’t know why. When He gave me the title “Under The Broom Tree,” I understood the why.

"The essence of surrender is getting out of God's way so that He can do in us what He also wants to do through us."

A. W. Tozer
A broom tree moment...


This is photo of me writing in my prayer journal. It was taken on October 2, 2020, the day I lost that sweet boy lying next to me. It will make more sense when you read Chapter 13.

A broom tree moment...


This is photo of me writing in my prayer journal. It was taken on October 2, 2020, the day I lost that sweet boy lying next to me. It will make more sense when you read Chapter 13.



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